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Episode 3:

Poets in conversation about the healing power of poetry.

The third episode begins with some pleasantries exchanged between our host, Sukanya, and our guest speaker, Sofia. Sukanya mentions that they both are here today to talk about poetry therapy. She then goes on to introduce Sofia and our initiative called Kaavya Cure. She introduces Sofia as a life coach who specializes in helping people make transformational changes to mindsets. habits, and emotional well-being. Also, please refer to the "About Us" section for details regarding Kavya Cure and its founders. Sukanya then asks us to imagine as to what if we could use a pen and paper to get a hold of our nerves, what if we could sit and undergo self-guided therapies at home without the pressure of being judged. So, here we are with this blog powered by Blogger and audio channel powered by Mentza, Kaavya Cure, trying to connect and create a safe space for expressing our emotions.

Sukanya then hands over the mic to Sofia and asks her to elaborate on what a day in her life looks like, i.e. asks her about her work. Sofia responds that she is a Life Coach and her day-to-day routine goes through the labors of managing her social media accounts and also has personalized coaching sessions with her clients. For her, this is a wonderful job and it is a very fulfilling part of her life. She really likes to help people and more specifically break her clients' negative belief patterns which are very limiting. She works with her clients to make them more decisive in nature and hone their clarity of goals to achieve what they really want from their life. It is wonderful to see her clients coming out of her sessions with specific outcomes and see transformational change regarding their self-awareness, mindsets, and habits. She adds that she is very interested in the healing power of poetry. It is amazing what one can achieve when one taps into their creativity and states that she is very eager to join the Mentza podcast to share her insights on the healing power of poetry. 

Sukanya then carries on the conversation by saying that Kaavya Cure is a very new initiative and that helping other people is a step towards her self-actualization. She then shoots another question at Sofia, asking her about some of the most meaningful goals that her coaching has allowed her clients to achieve. Sofia responds by stating that what she offers to her clients is clarity about what they really want to achieve in life. She helps them with goal setting and adds that the thing that we have to be focused on is one can reach their goals with manageable steps. Short-term goals will take you to achieve your big goals. She makes sure that they achieve a level of motivation and confidence to reach their goals. It is important to know that you can get there. It is important to know that you are enough. We are not talking about big changes, we are talking just about helping you overcome those limiting beliefs so that you can become the best version of yourself. What she feels and sees in her practice is that sometimes people are a bit lost in their own lives. They need guidance, they need somebody outside of themselves to bring them back to a life of happiness, wellness, and fulfillment. This is important because happiness just depends on yourself. We tend to blame others for not reaching where we want to in life but that is not right and so she provides that help and guidance to reach their goals.

Sukanya chimes in stating that she agrees with Sofia on all points especially on knowing that one is enough. She mentions that our guest Samridhi in the second episode who has authored the book "The Red Coloured Bliss" had said that she saw her co-authors go on a self-realization journey while writing the poems. Sometimes we don't understand our full potential, that we can achieve our goals. Sukanya then follows up with another question to Sofia as to how would she go about uncovering latent objectives that were not yet discernible to her clients. Sofia answers by saying that this is all part of the conversation. What she does is make sure that people understand what they really want. They want multiple things in life but they don't follow through. It is basically a kind of catharsis. She dissects her clients' objectives and tries to understand their past and how they have reached their earlier goals in life and she starts to see patterns. Then she very kindly makes them understand that it is a safe environment with her and makes them reach their own answers. You know your best interests at heart. She then slowly peels off some layers, some limitations, and some traumas sometimes because we are all shaped by our childhoods and by our traumas. So it boils down to addressing those traumas as well. Coaching is an activity that sets goals for you in the future but we also need to understand the present so coaches need to see the person as a whole. 

Sukanya then asks another question: Could poetry actually help with that? Sofia answers in the affirmative stating that the main thing that poetry can do for each one of us is the release of emotions which is a form of relief therapy and bringing light into our lives in the sense that we can pour out our emotions. It is a bit like a therapy session in itself, an emotional relief. We can just heal by using our own words, whatever we are thinking, whether good or bad. It also helps in processing our emotions. So, if you are struggling to explain to people what you actually want in your lives or just want to discern what's going on, you can process your own emotions by writing them down. It is kind of a journaling exercise that we can do to connect to ourselves. She also thinks that painful experiences have to be released from our bodies and that writing them down will help us find meaning in our situations. The other thing is that it offers you an awareness experience, that it helps you gain different perspectives on one situation. Poetry is no kind of logical experience, it doesn't come from your brain, it comes from your heart. It has a direct connection to what you are feeling and jotting your feelings down helps you process them better. 

 Sofia is asked if poetry has ever helped her personally. Sofia responds that she has always been drawn to art and that she really likes to write. Poetry funnily enough has always been her favorite form of exercise in the sense that it has helped her come out from a negative mindset or pattern and that she finds writing poetry very relieving and finds that it also connects her to her creative side and it helps her to connect with who she is. Poetry really brings out our pure selves by clawing through layers of pseudo selves that we have built for ourselves. She believes that poetry is a really beautiful form of art. 

Sukanya then asks her one final question: Would she recommend poetry therapy as an adjunct to life coaching? Sofia agrees to this. Poetry is a beautiful exercise. She recommends poetry therapy as a part of journaling. She really likes her clients to just journal every day to release their emotions because it helps them recognize that they are stuck and that they really change how they see themselves. Poetry is the best form of journaling. 

And that brings us to an end for episode 3 of healing through poetry by Kaavya Cure as Sukanya and Sofia exchange pleasantries and Sukanya requests the audience to drop any questions they may have in the comments section. 

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We are live on Mentza every Tuesday at 19:30hrs,IST.

Transcription by Deeptiman Mishra(@siryaegarnaut)
